FICGS: Servidor de Ajedrez por Correspondencia

Thibault nos escribe acerca de la inauguración de un nuevo servidor de ajedrez por correspondencia:

I would like to introduce to you FICGS, a new Correspondence Chess & Go Server…

The aim of FICGS is to offer an open & always improving server for Corr. Go, Chess & variants.

Features of FICGS server :

– Cost free
– Direct tournament registration, automatic tournament creation
– Class & rapid tournaments, special tournaments & events, chess variants & go tournaments
– Tournaments with entry fee and prizes (soon)
– Games : Chess, Chess 960, Big chess (a special FICGS anti computer variant), Go
– Graphical interface available for each game. (see Help) Email notification.
– Different appearance of chess board, different backgrounds, multi language interface
– Live games (rss available) and games database available for all members
– Live tournament results & informations (category, points required for norms etc…)
– Automatic rating calculation every two months, rating history
– Titles FICGS (FEM, FIM, FSM, FGM) … Automatic title norms calculation
– Javascript and Html viewer for classical chess & go
– Simple move entry by clicking on pieces and destination fields, or plain text format (PGN)

You can visit the server with the guest / guest account

Thanks & best wishes.
